Beaufort Players Amateur Drama Group proudly present...
In space, no one can hear you dream!
That’s certainly true for poor Cinderella. Dressed in rags and stuck on a blue moon, she’s a servant to her wicked stepmother and cruel stepsisters, destined to dwell in the shadows, forever scrubbing their toilets and pulling curly hairs from their cosmic plug holes.
Then, one twinkly night, she bumps into a Prince and everything changes!
Before she can say ‘Lift Off’, she’s jetting to Jupiter on an epic adventure, with a rocket mouse, a perky robot and a whizzy dragon. Her mission: to make it to the ball and boogie ‘til midnight’ — without losing a shoe! What could possibly go wrong? Just the small matter of an alien invasion, that’s what!
Can Cinders find her star power, save the galaxy and make all her ‘wishies’ come true?
Performances take place at the Church of the Ascension Hall in Beaufort Road, Ealing W5 3EB (Map) on: